Friday, June 18, 2010


ahhhhhhhhhh~such a long time didn give a long post...
this is the photo we went danga bay... have alot of photo haven post up to FB of here...
is quite confuse that when can i complete all them at here or either FB...
i m always damn lazy in upload photo...and the shit shit shit is...
the camare is not with me right now,uhhhhhhhhhhh....

i dont like the flash light so much,makes the colour too sharp i think...

yayaya,it's enjoy time after exam...horray....
and my cute cousin just called me and tell me she might not able to come le ..
T.T...why she is just the same like me---aeroplane queen...
i dont need to study untill late,dont have to feel stress,dont have to stay at home for a long time,dont have to always wake up and wonder if i over slept...
yes yes yes,i m gona do lot of things i have done ,but it is already on my mind for a long time....
my baby,my dear family ,my dear friends,i want to spend all my time with you all...

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